
Monday, October 27, 2014

An Honest and Transparent a defeated teacher

It has been 22 days since my last blogpost. Over 3 weeks. This year is an absolute beating. I can't even pinpoint anything specific but my year includes the most difficult group of students I've ever seen come through my school (that's in my 5 years as a teacher and 3 years prior to that as a sub) upper admin who has a policy of "push, push, and push harder" and then there's my #1 priority: my fam. 
I'll be the first to admit that having a child has changed me. I mean, it's absolutely wonderful but I no longer can (not that I really want to) stay after school until 7pm. I want to be home with my baby. He will only be this little for a blink of an eye. 

ANYWAY...I have been having a r.o.u.g.h. year. I'm feeling very uninspired and I am so NOT used to this feeling. :( But...before this turns into a total pity party...let me tell you an "a-ha" I had this weekend. 

1. My job is to love (and maybe even teach) the "lost causes". So many of my kids [unfortunately] know that they have been passed from grade to grade simply because no one wants to teach them "again". They are low low low and don't care because they always "pass". Not this year. We have work to do and we will get it done. 

2. I refuse to be drained in my 5th year of teaching. Granted, I have picked up my bad Dr. Pepper habit again and I am eating junk food like nobody's business...but I. will. not. let these kids take away the love I have for my job. 

So, its a daily struggle. As in, those people who hashtag #thestruggleisreal have NO IDEA what struggle is until they step into my 2nd period class. But. I will not let them win. 

Also, to be clear, I have like 60% of my students who are wonderful...the other 40% will learn to be wonderful. 

Thanks for letting me vent and I promise to try to blog ((more positive things)) more often in November! 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Currently...yes, I am a blogging failure

Y'all. I am having one of those years. I feel like I am never "caught up" and unfortunately that means my poor ole blog suffers. But I promise I haven't been a sucky teacher...look, I'll kind of prove it! ;) 

Recognize anyone on there?! I am thrilled to be (one of) the Teachers of the Month at my school. It's even sweeter to share the title with my beautiful friend, Esther! [You may recognize her from my vacation pics--I told you I work and PLAY with awesome people.]

Anyway, sorry for my total slackage on the blog but I am trying my best to figure out the best way to balance my 78 10 year olds, my one year old and the rest of my life :) 
\PS. This pic totally speaks to me right now...

Football season. You gotta love it. and it's ok to hate it sometimes. ;) [[However I will say, the hubs has totally rocked at trying to balance football life and home life...we are just spoiled since we all spent 24/7 with each other this summer.]]

Ok, on to my Currently! I'm tardy for the party but better late than never! 

Listening: It's Sunday. I'm married to a coach. I live in Texas. #footballislife
Loving: We lost power in a storm on Thursday afternoon and it didn't come back on until Friday afternoon. And it's still 85+ in Texas.
Thinking: I'm typically not a countdown kind of teacher. I love my job. But this year has been...challenging. and Mama needs a break. 
Wanting: I mean, like I said...challenging year. I am fairly certain a pedicure, massage and shopping spree would make me feel better. Pretty sure. 
Needing: I can't catch up. I need longer days or just a good solid work day. 
Trick or Treat: TREAT!! The English AND Spanish versions of my Reading Review folder are on sale for the next week :) Enjoy!! 

Alright, that's all I got!