Man. I have been working steadily (with a few interruptions by an adorable one year old) since about 5 on STUFF. My To-Do list is already out of control and it's not even Monday. {sigh}
Now, you may be thinking "What in the world is a bathroom reader?!" Well this summer, while participating in "Pedicures and Planning"--my favorite way to vertical team, btw--we decided our students LOVE to spend time in the bathroom. TMI I know, but it's the truth. So we are pulling articles, poems, and stories and posting them in the bathroom for our darlings who like to camp out in the bathroom. What else do they have to do in there?! ;)
This week I also have All Day Planning which is just as amazing as it sounds. Once a six weeks, we get the whole day to plan with our grade level. We analyze data, create or tweak unit plans for the next six weeks, create lesson plans, write assessments, etc. My grade level ALWAYS gets a ton done on these days. Yes, it stinks to have to be out of the classroom but the amount of work accomplished is 100000% worth it. Tonight, in order to expedite our time together on Thursday, I worked on Reading Unit Plans for our gen ed and GT classes.

Alright, what else is on the menu this week? Parent Info Night in Tuesday...all the parents come and get the info about expectations, conferences, tutoring, field trips, and everything else they ever wanted to know. Also, I'm so happy to be getting into the "real" schedule of things (mini-lesson, guided groups, etc.). We are starting literary texts this week so you loyal readers know what book I'll be busting out::: the WIZARD OF OZ!! Cant. Wait. It's always my fav thing to teach!!
OH! AAAND I am SOOO looking forward to next Saturday. My little fam has been invited to the NICU reunion at the hospital J was born. Although our time in the NICU was short (12 days) compared to many families, when you have to leave your little one in the hands of someone else, they immediately become family. I can't wait to see J's nurses that took such good care of him when mommy and daddy had to go home at night. {{Just the thought of it has me almost in tears again..}}
Alright, that's it. Have a wonderful week, ya'll! See ya soon :)
Love, Caitlin
Hi there! Found you through A Peek at My Week linky!!! Your to-do list looks just like mine. Our principal brought up a great change on to-do lists this year that I'm doing... instead of to-do lists you can call them to-be lists.... were always crossing things off of lists but we truly are never done, and it's so true. So now I'm trying to prioritize and call them my to-be lists... it's a work in progress, but I'm loving the new vocab! Hope you have a great week.. enjoy all of that planning time!!! And love the bathroom reading idea. :) Super cute!
Mrs. Bentin's Blackboard