That is SOOO not like me.
I love school and usually it's the end of October before I'm feeling the necessity of a break...but this year is kicking my tail! My to-do list is forever long and even when I mark stuff off, I don't feel like I'm getting stuff "done". Am I the only one?! So here it goes...
I have some amazing students this year...but I have some others who love to test me and my partner teachers. Any bloggers out there have tips or articles on defiant children? I'm needing some help here, peeps!
This week I went to INOVA training. It is a data organization system (I mean, its really more than that but I spent a whole day at a training on statistics and the math behind using data to anticipate student achievement on state testing...) ANYWAY, it was very interesting and I can't wait to spend time getting to know the program better. {I'm not even being sarcastic here...I love analyzing data}
#truth. It's FINALLY feeling like Fall in Texas! Today it was in the dropped over 30 degrees in the last 24 hours and some of you would crack up at the attire of Texans. We totally broke out the scarves and sweatshirts. Don't judge...
I am desperately wanting a full week to teach. Are ya'll with me? Between trainings, picture day, Labor Day, beginning of year testing, library days, etc. I have YET to teach a full 5 days in a week. It's hard to get into a routine when we always have "stuff". This week I did manage to finish our genre studies using the book Genre Connections. Ya'll, I am in love with this book. Teaching the genres with concrete objects is so easy and the kids seem to actually get it! We also reviewed poetry types v. elements and had a gallery walk where students worked in partners to analyze poems to determine their type and the elements (rhyme, rhythm, rhyme scheme, number of stanzas, meter, etc.) I guess even with hectic schedules, we ARE still learning :)
Today is my baby's birthday!! I officially have a one year old! :) 

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