1. Why and how long ago did you start blogging?
I'm pretty sure I've been blog-stalking for a while now. I think one of my very first blogs I found and returned repeatedly to was Farley's Oh Boy! Fourth Grade. She's awesome. I could spend days reading everything she's done...but I just started my own blog in February of this year..
2. What one word sums up the heart of your blog and why? Wow. Tough question! I feel like the best word right now is perseverance. My blog was sort of started because I wanted an outlet to write down all the fun stuff that was going on in my room but I'm not always as consistent as I'd like to be. Perseverance applies to my bloggy life, my classroom philosophy and life in general :)
3. Is there something you learned late in your blog journey you wished you knew before?I've only been blogging for like 8 months and 1/2 of that was summer and I haven't exactly been consistent lately so I'd have to say, the lesson I'm learning is that blogging is sort of therapeutic for me. I feel like it's a great release, so even when I'm busy..it's not necessarily another item on the To-Do list but more on the "Want-To-Do" list.
4. What is your favorite past time other than blogging?reading, shopping, playing volleyball
5. How many hours per week do you dedicate to your blog?...can I plead this 5th this month?
6. What category of blog posts do you enjoy the most?
7. Where does your blog inspiration come from
Gosh, I guess the blogs I already mentioned...those girls seem to write like they talk, and I'm all about that..I also am a fan of Kristin at My Carolina Classroom.
Gosh, I guess the blogs I already mentioned...those girls seem to write like they talk, and I'm all about that..I also am a fan of Kristin at My Carolina Classroom.
8. Which post that you've written are you most proud of?
Gosh... probably my Reading Review folder, my Wizard of Oz in the classroom or maybe just the consistency of my posts for the blogging challenge this summer!
9. Is there any post you have been planning to do, but have postponing it for a while now? I would eventually like to do a blog post about my anchor charts or my students' reading journals which I feel like I have FINALLY (this year) utilized the way I always envisioned them being used. But I want to see how the rest of the semester works out...stay tuned!
10. What is your favorite aspect of blogging?
Meeting other educators and sharing ideas. ((I totally agree Julie!))
11. Which recipe, project, or idea on my blog would you be most likely to try yourself?
Well I am a 5th grade teacher so alot of the Kinder stuff doesn't directly apply BUT I have a bestie who is a kinder teacher so I'm always looking for links to send her way :)
Ok, my nominees:
Heather @ the Meek Moose (she was my first SLANT Box buddy)
Colleen @ Literacy Loving Gals
Carrie @ #HashtagFifth
Kayla @ Texas Teaching Fanatic
Angela @ Southern Fried Teachin
Nicole @ Going Places in Fourth Grade
*Ok, I can't find 11 at the moment and I really want to put blogs on here that I actually follow :)
Colleen @ Literacy Loving Gals
Carrie @ #HashtagFifth
Kayla @ Texas Teaching Fanatic
Angela @ Southern Fried Teachin
Nicole @ Going Places in Fourth Grade
*Ok, I can't find 11 at the moment and I really want to put blogs on here that I actually follow :)
Now that you've been nominated, here are the "official" rules for accepting:
1. In your post, link back to the blogger who nominated you as a thank you and "shout out."
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you (the ones I answered above).
3. Nominate 11 blogs of your choice that each have less than 200 followers. Provide them with 11 questions to answer or have them answer the questions above.
4. Let your nominees know that they've been nominated and provide them with a link to your post so that they can accept.
5. Send your nominator a link to your post so that s/he can learn more about you as well! (You can just put your post link in the comments below!)
PS. This week is already better. I have awesome people that I work with. Truly amazing teachers and encouraging people from Kinder to 5th. Shout out to Gabby Lopez for being an encouragement (even when you may not have even realized it!) last week. :)
Also, 13 school days until Thanksgiving. just sayin...
1. In your post, link back to the blogger who nominated you as a thank you and "shout out."
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you (the ones I answered above).
3. Nominate 11 blogs of your choice that each have less than 200 followers. Provide them with 11 questions to answer or have them answer the questions above.
4. Let your nominees know that they've been nominated and provide them with a link to your post so that they can accept.
5. Send your nominator a link to your post so that s/he can learn more about you as well! (You can just put your post link in the comments below!)
PS. This week is already better. I have awesome people that I work with. Truly amazing teachers and encouraging people from Kinder to 5th. Shout out to Gabby Lopez for being an encouragement (even when you may not have even realized it!) last week. :)
Also, 13 school days until Thanksgiving. just sayin...
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